Here I Go Again

Well, I've had my baby. Miraculously, I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Now let's see if I can get started getting back to my pre-marriage weight. Fingers and toes crossed.

where did i go?

Just in case someone in the cosmic void is wondering why I haven't posted here in a really long time, I thought I'd explain. It is because I am pregnant and not trying to lose weight right now. I will start back up after the baby comes.


My personal trainer weighed me on Tuesday. Down 2# from my original weight when I started. To me, that means I've lost even more since at first my weight went up instead of down. I'm blaming it on increased muscle mass. Anyway, it is encouraging.


I've been working with the personal trainer 2x a week for over a month... yeah, I gained a pound. I am so frustrated. I know you shouldn't just base it on pounds, but man. She doesn't take it easy on me either. I do have to say that my endurance is better and I don't feel like I can't move the day after I work out like I did when I started. I just need the fat to go away. It makes me want to cry.

slacker no more

Yes, I've been a slacker. The food pyramid stuff went by the wayside after we did it faithfully for over a month. Well, I've enlisted some help. Past experience has shown that I'm usually more successful when I've got a program to follow. So 2 weeks ago, I signed up for the gym at my husband's office. Then we used some of our savings to pay for 6 months worth of personal training. Katie is my fabulous trainer and she kicks my bum, especially since I've been fairly inert over the winter. Keep your fingers crossed. I'm fairly confident this will at least make a dent.


I recently saw a commercial for V8 with serving counters over people's heads showing their vegetable intake. I think I need one of those. I have a tough time including them in my diet, which is bad I know. I need the fiber and the low-cal bulk. The other problem is my husband... he does not care for some of the staples like carrots and celery. He pretty much hates winter squash. That is a bummer since I just found a fabulous recipe for butternut squash soup. ("It's too squash-y") Tomatoes, onions, and bell peppers can get pretty boring after awhile, but I'm not sure what to do with other vegetables. I bought some jicama to try...It went bad after a week in the bottom drawer of the fridge, real bad. I guess we'll have to figure something out. Too bad I don't like V8.

Off the Wagon

We missed 3 days this weekend of tracking what we ate. I'm ashamed to admit that I also strayed from the path when I found a forgotten box of chocolates that we got for Christmas. Well, the box is gone now. Thank goodness. We have been using It's nice to have a visual of daily nutrition as well as trends over time. Hopefully, I won't fall off the wagon again.